- About
- Accelerated Online Teaching Intensive
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- AI Generators in the news
- Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching: Selection Process FAQ
- Awards
- Brightspace Bootcamp Zoom Information
- Brightspace Bootcamps (week of August 19)
- Brightspace Open Office Hours Zoom Information
- CET Brightspace Faculty Showcase
- CET Spring Faculty Showcase: AI in Teaching
- Congratulations!
- Contact Us
- Fall 2024 Brightspace Training for Faculty
- Foundations of Academic Dialogue
- How to log into the CET Faculty Teaching Institute in Blackboard
- How to log into the CET Future Faculty Teaching Institute in Blackboard
- Institutes
- Faculty Teaching Institute
- 2023-2024 Faculty Learning Community: Clinical Teaching Techniques
- Advanced Teaching Institute: Creating Inclusive Learning Environments at USC
- Advanced Teaching Institute: Getting Comfortable with Challenging Discussions
- Advanced Teaching Institute: Maximizing Course Accessibility by Minimizing Academic Ableism
- Advanced Teaching Institute: Mastering Misconceptions in STEM
- Faculty Fellows Leadership Institute
- Future Faculty Teaching Institute
- Staff Supporting Instruction Institute
- Just One Thing Demo
- Maximizing Accessibility for USC Graduate Students
- Mentored Teaching Fellows
- Mid-term Grading in Brightspace: The Survivor’s Guide Zoom Information
- New Brightspace Accessibility Tool: An introduction to Panorama
- OneHE
- Previous Undergraduate Advisory Group Members
- Recommendations for Faculty Mentor Support
- Research
- Resource Search Results
- Services
- Site Map
- Spring 2024 Brightspace Individual Support
- Spring 2024 Brightspace Training for Faculty
- Spring 2024 Do It Yourself Guides
- Spring 2024 USC Facilitated Training
- Spring 2024 Webinar Series Provided by D2L Brightspace
- The Survivor’s Guide Zoom Information
- USC Excellence in Teaching Initiative
- USC’s Brightspace Champions Training Opportunities
- USC’s Brightspace Faculty Pilot Program Training Opportunities
- Virtual New Faculty Institute
- What a great teaching idea!
- What a great teaching idea!
- CET Virtual House Calls
- USC Center for Excellence In Teaching
- Resources
Posts by category
- Category: Teaching
- Using the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) as an Assignment
- Promoting critical thinking (and discouraging plagiarism) through oral advocacy assignments
- Using collaborative visual summary to assess learning
- Ideas for Retrieval Activities in the College Classroom
- Using structured breakout groups to engage students with course content
- Encouraging critical thinking with scientific sketching activities
- Teaching students to communicate complex ideas simply
- Motivating students with relevancy and passion
- Incorporating Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) into your teaching
- Strategies for critiquing student problem-based projects
- Using anonymous feedback to increase student engagement
- Creating and checking in on course discussion agreements
- An introduction to the new Brightspace accessibility tool
- Brightspace Open Office Hours
- Solving Student Brightspace Questions
- Brightspace Bootcamp Session 1
- The Survivor's Guide
- The Survivor's Guide
- Streamlining Pedagogy and Task Distribution: Working with Groups and TAs in Brightspace
- Optimizing Open-ended Ancillary Assessments: Brightspace Quizzes vs Assignments
- Administering midterms in Brightspace
- Integrating Google Suite with Brightspace and Course Design
- Boosting engagement and streamlining learning with Brightspace's multimedia tools.
- Effective Course Design in Brightspace
- Foundations of academic dialogue, Part 2
- Maximizing Accessibility for USC Graduate Students
- Foundations of academic dialogue, Part 1
- Rubrics
- Community Agreements
- Facilitating academic discussions
- Active learning
- A closer look: Information literacy
- Persona Power: Unleashing Creativity and Diversity in Music Marketing
- Engaging students through group work and advocacy
- Low-barrier in-class group assignments using Google Slides
- Writing together for Wikipedia
- From theory to application: Collaborating on sustainability efforts in a team setting
- Evaluating land use suitability using Google Earth and Public Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS)
- Empathetic and embodied learning through theater arts
- Tips for improving grading efficiency
- Alternative assessments
- Considerations for teaching labs online
- Facilitating discussions in large enrollment courses without teaching assistants
- Strategies for Discussing Current Events
- A checklist of considerations for effective student feedback
- Communication strategies for instructors
- A checklist of what students want in online learning experiences
- Selecting Assignments
- State of AI in Qualitative Research
- Engaging Students Through Oral Histories and Artificial Intelligence
- AI for Learning
- Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning with Packback (AI Platform)
- Unleashing Creativity: The AI-mpactful Classroom – Nurturing Student Learning Experiences with Generative AI
- AI Image Generation Tools
- Natural Language Processing Pedagogy and Deployment
- The Truth about AI Detectors
- Mindfulness in courses
- USC resources for faculty supporting students
- Active learning facilitation in clinical settings
- Using AI Tools for Student Assignments
- AI Tools for Course Design
- AI tools for student assignments
- AI Tools for Course Design
- Steps to plan, design, and develop your course
- Tips for faculty to reduce grading stress at the end of a semester
- Ungrading and Grading for Equity
- Use of Case Studies to Promote Team-Based and Interprofessional Collaboration among Health Affairs Students
- The Foundations of a Great Case
- Integration of Clinical and Science Teaching in Pharmacy Using Patient Case Reports
- The Case for Famous Faces
- Linking Theory and Policy: Writing Theoretically Informed Policy Briefs
- Case-based Pedagogy for Engaging in Ethics Education in Engineering
- Using Case Studies for Active Student Learning and Engagement
- Techniques for Creating a Psychologically Safe Space for Learning
- Preparing your Class to be LGBTQ+ Inclusive
- Understanding & Practicing Pronouns in the Classroom
- An introduction to the student accommodations process
- Hyflex learning environments
- MetaLecture: the educational experience of reversed roles
- Incorporating non-traditional assessment methods to engage students in online courses
- Cooperative assessment
- Pedagogical approaches to contract grading in composition
- Ungrading: small changes, big impact
- Design and implementation of a clinical reasoning competency assignment for doctoral physical therapy students
- Implementing a mastery-based grading system in a mathematics class
- Active learning in humanities courses
- Conducting a partially flipped classroom in a hybrid setting
- Exploring the potential for JEP/research partnerships
- Partnering with JEP for community-based scholarship
- Managing the logistics of community-engaged pedagogies with JEP
- Integrating JEP into the core of an upper-division service-learning course
- Working with JEP to jumpstart a SLCE partnership
- Introduction to JEP’s service-learning and community engagement (SLCE) programs
- Creating an LGBTQ+ inclusive campus
- Case study teaching
- Assessing the environmental resource impacts of food waste at a USC dining hall
- Teaching experimental design and data analysis with students calling the shots.
- Role play in research methods: A focus group activity
- Student becomes the teacher: Engaging students as producers of content for the flipped classroom
- Flipped classroom paradigm for a health sciences statistics class
- Using case studies and simulation to facilitate duality, necessity, and repeated reasoning in introductory statistics
- Using asynchronous interview examples to model qualitative methods
- Interactive statistics Zoom zone!
- Instructional scaffolding
- Student engagement and high impact practices
- Building a community of contribution: Best practices shared from a class of ethics in hospitality and tourism
- Creating a JEDI Environment
- Engaging the Gould Community in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
- Curricular Integration of DEI at the School of Pharmacy
- Beyond cultural competence: Decolonizing occupational therapy
- Preparing reflective practitioners: Considering intersectionality, identity, and bias in occupational therapy
- Writing about race and ethnicity with dignity and precision
- Resources for equity, diversity, and inclusion at the USC Libraries
- Planning for an uncertain semester
- Trauma-informed teaching
- Trauma-informed teaching
- USC CET Education Research Bibliography
- Defining teaching excellence
- Grading based on student mastery research
- Formative assessment research
- Instructor feedback research
- Establishing learning goals with students research
- Student reflection research
- Student participation research
- Limited use of lecture research
- Classroom discussion research
- Problem solving research
- Use of real-world/concrete examples research
- Visual support for instruction research
- Activating prior student knowledge research
- Instructor demonstrating worked examples research
- Groupwork research
- Reducing student stress research
- Faculty development research
- Students producing self-explanations research
- Classroom environment research
- Promoting higher-order thinking
- Systems for instructor evaluation
- Student surveys research
- General teaching and learning resources
- Academic discussion protocols
- Foundations of CET pedagogy
- Challenging discussions modules 1-7
- The why behind best teaching practices
- Reaching all students
- Promoting student growth
- Instructor presence
- Engaging students
- Effective direct instruction
- Core principles of instruction
- Challenging discussions 7: Evaluation of efforts
- Challenging discussions 6: Managing upset
- Challenging discussions 5: Lead a challenging discussion
- Challenging discussions 4: Plan a challenging discussion
- Challenging discussions 3: Speaking about race and gender
- Challenging discussions 2: Inclusive course design
- Challenging discussions 1: Welcome and introduction
- Deciding between synchronous & asynchronous modes of teaching
- Accessing Independent Review Resources for Online Teaching in Blackboard
- Mentored Teaching Fellows teaching development plan template
- Diversity and inclusion syllabus checklist
- Facilitating a norming session for peer review
- School based plan for excellence in teaching template
- Teaching statement template for single year evaluation cycle
- Review of instructor assessments and grading guide
- USC Syllabus template
- Course design syllabus review checklist
- Classroom teaching observation checklist
- Synchronous online teaching observation checklist
- Synchronous online course design syllabus review checklist
- Asynchronous online teaching observation checklist
- Asynchronous online course design syllabus review checklist
- Types of assessment
- The Flipped Classroom: A Research Perspective
- Netiquette considerations
- Universal design for learning (UDL)
- TA decision guide
- Summative peer-evaluation processes
- Strategic questioning techniques for discussion
- Six myths about peer review of teaching
- Pedagogical planning for residential experiences
- Guest speakers as an active learning opportunity
- Planning online assessment
- Open-book or take-home exams online
- First day of class for TAs
- Effective groupwork
- CET review of instructor assessment practices template
- Writing course-specific policies
- What to say: communicating with students who may need additional support
- Use of social media in academic courses
- Test question design
- Teaching statement evaluation guide
- Peer feedback form for group presentations
- Icebreakers
- Teaching statement template - year 3
- Teaching statement template - year 2
- Teaching statement template - year 1
- General Education (GE) resource list
- Accessing independent review resources for online teaching in Blackboard
- Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA)
- Case-based role play
- Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
- Authority in the classroom
- Designing reflection assessments
- Course policies
- The first day of class
- An overview of Bloom's Taxonomy
- Creating and facilitating communities of practice
- An expert interview on learning theories and active learning
- An overview of active learning
- Supporting military and veteran students
- Teaching and grading creativity
- Muddy Points
- Introduction to rubrics
- Three brain networks of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Introduction to assessments and alignment
- Learning Objectives
- Course Design
- USC Libraries faculty support and resources
- Using Google Suite tools
- Towards a pedagogy of liberation: Creating the praxis-based, student-centered classroom
- Perusing Perusall: Strategies for active reading, social annotation, and asynchronous discussion
- Enhancing Asynchronous Learning through VoiceThread multimedia discussions
- Google Pear Deck: an interactive tool for synchronous and asynchronous teaching/assessment
- Innovating the classroom innovation: A dramatic pivot for improv for engineers
- Using Zoom chat to increase learner engagement
- Making connections: How the Zoom whiteboard can help
- Tips for running a successful in-class student debate via Zoom
- Promoting intrinsic motivation
- Course alignment grid
- Teaching and learning about accessibility & technology
- Ethical design: Re-thinking the traditional brainstorm
- Social justice and ethical care through the lens of Dentistry
- Using elevator pitches to simplify complex proposals for societal challenges
- Understanding social group identities
- Ethical and social justice complications of technology
- A practical, interdisciplinary and multi-cultural approach to teaching global health ethics
- Critical studies strategies to decolonize art and design
- Creating a rubric
- Writing learning objectives
- Sample assignment descriptions
- Learning theories
- Introducing your course with video
- In-class work as participation
- Formative peer evaluation processes
- Flipped course design
- Faculty decision guide
- Facilitating a rubric norming session for TAs
- Effective instructor feedback
- Trauma-informed teaching
- Hybrid streaming course design model
- Discussion types
- Active learning for the large classroom
- Creating LGBTQ+ inclusive learning environments
- Sources for free copyright-free images
- Observation guide for the active-learning classroom
- Mid-semester evaluation
- Maximize efficiency when teaching large classes
- Disarming upset students
- Critiques
- Active-learning facilitation process
- 5 tips for supporting and engaging international students
- Accessibility
- Active learning
- AI
- Assessment
- Assignment
- Course design
- Course materials
- Discussion
- Educational technology
- Faculty peer review
- Grading
- Groups
- Inclusive teaching
- Learning objectives
- Motivation
- Multimedia
- Policies
- Syllabus
- Teaching
- Wellness