Mentored Teaching Fellows Program

The Mentored Teaching Fellows Program is a unique opportunity for USC doctoral students to develop a strong foundation of pedagogical knowledge and teaching skills in preparation for a career in academia. Mentored Teaching Fellows gain experience as instructors of record, while receiving training and support from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and discipline-specific coaching from a faculty mentor in their field. 

Requirements for Appointment of Mentored Teaching Fellows

Appointees must:

  • Be a USC Doctoral student in good standing, who has passed their qualifying exams and is making appropriate progress toward their degree.
  • Have successful experience as a Teaching Assistant.
  • Have continued funding support provided by their school. 
  • Have a confirmed appointment as the instructor of record for a spring semester course, and be listed as the primary instructor in the USC Schedule of Classes. (Please ensure the workload for the assigned course can be reasonably accomplished by a novice instructor within the weekly hours allotted to the student’s appointment.)
  • Be capable of managing the duties associated with independently teaching a college-level course, and the required training obligations with CET and their faculty mentor.
  • Earn a certificate of completion for the semester-long CET Future Faculty Teaching Institute prior to the semester of their teaching assignment.
  • Attend regular faculty mentor meetings for discipline-specific teaching preparation and guidance throughout the fellowship year.
  • Participate in two CET community of practice meetings with other Mentored Teaching Fellows during the spring semester.
  • Optional: Students may schedule up to two individual consultations with a CET pedagogical specialist during the fellowship year.

Appointment Process of Mentored Teaching Fellows

Appointments are made by deans or vice deans, and at their own discretion. The appointment process, deadline for consideration, class availability, funding, and faculty mentors are determined and provided by individual schools. 

Interested students, or faculty interested in appointing students, should contact their department chair or dean’s office for detailed information. CET and the USC Graduate School are available to consult on appointment criteria, if desired. 

The dean or department chair’s office should complete the Mentored Teaching Fellow Appointment Form (link provided in announcement letter). The student’s faculty mentor and spring course must be identified in the form. The school must also attest that the appointment has been approved by school leadership. Upon receipt of the form, CET will confirm the appointment with the student and school leadership. 

A list of previous Mentored Teaching Fellows

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CET promotes a vibrant culture of teaching and learning with consults, Faculty Learning Communities, and the Mentored Teaching Fellows program.

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