The information appearing below provides guidelines and answers to frequently asked questions about nomination, application, and selection process for the Associates Awards for Excellence in Teaching.
Name of award:
USC Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Number of awards:
Up to two.
Monetary award:
$3,500 each. Citations accompany monetary awards.
Who is eligible?
Eligibility for the Associates Award includes all faculty with at least six years of teaching service at USC. Nominations by a department, school, or fellow faculty member are invited (self-nominations are not accepted). Previous winners are not eligible.
Can more than one faculty member be considered from each department?
Yes, more than one faculty member can be nominated from a department.
Award selection criteria: Excellence in Teaching. Procedures for the selection of nominees are determined by the nominating departments in consonance with the criteria for the award.
How are nominations solicited?
Memorandum from the Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence.
What is the Selection Committee?
The Committee is appointed by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Programs. The Committee (chaired by the Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching) includes at least two previous Associates Awards recipients. The recommendations of the Committee are forwarded to the Provost.
Who has the responsibility for final selection?
Office of the Provost.
How are awardees notified?
Letter from the Provost. A copy of that letter is sent to the awardees’ department heads and/or deans, and to the Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching.
When is the award given?
The award is given at the Academic Honors Convocation ceremony (in April).
Where should I submit the nomination materials?
Use this form to upload the complete dossier for your nominee.