Faculty Peer Evaluation
The following tools and templates are offered in support of schools and departments developing their own peer-review systems. Use of these specific materials is not required by the USC administration, but are intended as examples of best practices in teaching. Schools and departments may choose to adopt the following tools as written, edit them (add, subtract, or reword criteria), or create their own.
Teaching and Course Design
CET Classroom Teaching Observation Checklist
CET Course Design Syllabus Review Checklist
CET Synchronous Online Teaching Observation Checklist
CET Synchronous Online Course Design Syllabus Review Checklist
CET Asynchronous Online Teaching Observation Checklist
CET Asynchronous Online Course Design Syllabus Review Checklist
Contact CET to arrange a training for your faculty group on best use of the evaluation checklists and use of this guide on Facilitating a Norming Session for Peer Review.
USC Teaching Policies and Expectations – A video summary of essential USC teaching practices, reflected in the checklists above.
Formative Peer Evaluation Processes Flowcharts
Summative Peer Evaluation Processes Flowcharts
Assessment Practices
Review of Instructor Assessment Practice Guide – A tool for evaluating student learning through a course assignment.
Template for Review of Instructor Assessment Practices
Teaching Statement
Teaching Statement Evaluation Guide – A tool for evaluating a self-reflective faculty teaching statement.
Templates for Faculty Teaching Statements
For single-year evaluation plan
For three-year evaluation plan