CET’s Instructional Designers are available for one-on-one consultations to discuss
- Design or re-design of a course
- Developing and optimizing assignments and assessments
- Improving student engagement
- Planning active-learning exercises
Or, anything else regarding teaching at USC. It’s also OK if you’re not sure exactly what your questions are and just want to talk about elevating your teaching practice.
To schedule a consultation, choose one of the CET Instructional Designers below and click on the link to schedule a meeting with them. If the offered time slots don’t work for your schedule, email the Instructional Designer directly to explore other scheduling options.
Ingrid Steiner
Ingrid’s academic background is in Art History and Education, and Ingrid typically works with faculty in disciplines including the arts and humanities, language and culture, writing, education, social work, and architecture.
Schedule a consultation with Ingrid
Robert Sweeney
Bob’s academic background centers on Chemistry, Physics, and Education, and Bob frequently consults with faculty in sciences, engineering, mathematics, business, law, and medical fields, among others.