Resources: CET
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This is the second of a two-part series on academic dialogue and is a collaboration between The Center for Excellence in Teaching; Quade French, USC Dornsife Associate Dean of Academic Culture and Well-being; and Kamy Akhavan, USC Dornsife Executive Director of the Center for the Political Future. This video features Kamy Akhavan discussing what individuals can do to unite conversations.
Sources: CET | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: All disciplines
A workshop co-facilitated by the Center for Excellence in Teaching, the Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity, and the Office for Student Accessibility Services, introducing strategies to support Teaching Assistants in their role and enhance their experience as a graduate student learner.
Sources: CET, Other USC | Formats: Videos | | Disciplines: All disciplines
This is the first in a two-part series on academic dialogue and is a collaboration between The Center for Excellence in Teaching; Quade French, USC Dornsife Associate Dean of Academic Culture and Well-being; and, Kamy Akhavan, USC Dornsife Executive Director of the Center for the Political Future. This video features Quade French discussing how to establish the foundations of academic dialogue.
Sources: CET | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: All disciplines
This resource provides an overview of creating and using community agreements in a course to support respectful and productive student engagement. It includes options for how to create agreements, tips for implementation, and example agreements.
Keywords: community agreements, discussion norms, discussion guidelines, community guidelines, challenging discussions, academic discussions, dialogue, student engagement.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: All disciplines
This resource covers strategies for facilitating academic discussions in a variety of teaching settings, including tips for planning discussions, options for whole and small-group discussion types, considerations for assessing student discussions, and relevant research.
Keywords: discussion, small group discussion, discussion forums, active learning, community agreements, discussion norms, strategic questions, participation.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: All disciplines
A description of active learning strategies for a variety of teaching settings, including tips for implementation, sample activity descriptions, options for planning active learning and relevant research.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: All disciplines
At the March 2024 “A Closer Look” CET workshop on information literacy in courses, USC librarians Ariana Varela & Bridgid Fennell, and Dornsife Professor of Latin American and Iberian Cultures Lori Mesrobian discussed the importance of information literacy across disciplines and strategies for faculty to incorporate more support for these skills with students – including a variety of approaches to instructional collaboration with USC librarians.
Sources: CET | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: All disciplines
Bobby Borg of the USC Thornton School of Music discusses how student teams can use fictional artist personas to collaboratively create innovative music marketing strategies during the February 2024 Faculty Showcase.
Sources: CET, USC Faculty | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: Arts, Performance, Social Science
Tara Mastro of the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology discusses utilizing the power of group learning where student groups design a pitch for a public awareness campaign during the February 2024 Faculty Showcase.
Sources: CET, USC Faculty | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: Clinical, Social Science, STEM
Leonardo Morsut of the USC Keck School of Medicine discusses a strategy to structure group assignments for in-class activities using collaborative tools during the February 2024 Faculty Showcase.
Sources: CET, USC Faculty | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: STEM
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