ITS and CET are partnering to support USC faculty through the transition from Blackboard to the Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS). We encourage you to review all of the Spring 2024 training options linked below, and register now if you are interested in facilitated training.
Brightspace access and training resources are expected to be available January 16th, 2024.
Training Modalities
Your 2020 feedback helped us identify 3 preferences for faculty training modalities: facilitated training, individual support, and do-it-yourself options.
We have created and leveraged resources to provide you with multiple options for a smoother transition to Brightspace using your own preferred training modality. Each training option provides the same training information, it is simply presented in different contexts to suit the preferences and schedules of our faculty. Please choose the training options that work best for you.
A quick overview of Spring 2024 Brightspace faculty training options is provided in the graphic below, followed by logistical information on training. Please click on the links that follow “Training Logistics” for detailed descriptions of each training option, as well as session dates and registration links.

Training Logistics
The training dates on the pages linked below are based on the LMS Replacement Project’s current timeline for faculty access to Brightspace. Should the timeline shift, we have contingency plans, and will prioritize your needs if an adjustment is required.
The migration of courses from Blackboard to Brightspace and the course uplift* process will still be underway when training begins. You may not have access to your Summer or Fall 2024 or 2023 courses yet, but we have arranged to have a blank course “sandbox” provided in your Brightspace account.
In the USC Brightspace Institute, you will receive step-by-step training on Brightspace in your sandbox, and we will show you how to transfer any course preparation work you do in the sandbox to your Summer or Fall 2024 courses, once they are ready. This option allows you to train and prepare course content as early as possible, rather than waiting for the uplifted version of your migrated courses to become available later in the semester.
*Uplift: Addressing formatting issues that can occur when a course is moved from one LMS to another.
Click on the linked buttons below to view details for each training option, and dates and registrations links for institutes, webinars, and consultations.