Effective direct instruction
The development and delivery of course content, including principles of multimedia instruction, flipped resources, and inclusivity.
The development and delivery of course content, including principles of multimedia instruction, flipped resources, and inclusivity.
Techniques for leading academic discussions, including defining terms, including all voices, and warning signs that a discussion is becoming challenging.
Strategies for planning class discussions, including a positive class atmosphere, discussion norms, grading discussions, and acceptable sources of information.
Inclusivity considerations when designing courses and syllabi, including discussions about controversial topics.
An overview of the flipped classroom, its pros and cons, and a bibliography of relevant research.
An explanation of how to facilitate an in-class active learning technique using a guest speaker, either live or recorded, for any size class.
A collection of tips for promoting effective groupwork, a sample form for having students in a group evaluate the level of participation form group members, and recommendations for further resources.
Use of social media platforms in academic courses. Specifically, considering requiring students to post on social media platforms that are not secured by USC, such as through Shibboleth verification.
A sample form for use by students when they are observing other students’ class presentations, focusing on constructive suggestions for improvement.
An outline of the process for facilitating an icebreaker activity in class, and several icebreaker formats that can be used in onground and online courses.