Resources: Course design
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September 2021 Faculty Showcase presentation by Dana Chinn. Discusses the design of a Blackboard course for students to learn about writing about race and ethnicity.
Sources: USC Faculty | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
Elizabeth Galoozis and Karen Howell discuss DEI resources available at the USC Libraries during the September 2021 Faculty Showcase.
Sources: USC Faculty | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty, TAs |
A compilation of teaching techniques and strategies that can minimize unproductive stress in students and support students who are dealing with trauma.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
Teaching and course design practices that can help mitigate the negative impact stress and trauma can have on students’ learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of formative assessment on student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of facilitated student reflection on student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of limiting the amount of instructor lecture time on student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Graphics, Images, Newsletter, PDF, PowerPoint, Videos, Web link | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of problem solving on student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of groupwork on student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the development of higher-order thinking processes in students.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
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