Core principles of instruction
Foundational teaching principles, including course design, learning objectives, course alignment, assessment, and lesson structure.
Foundational teaching principles, including course design, learning objectives, course alignment, assessment, and lesson structure.
Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of academic discussions and increasing their impact on students.
Strategies for planning class discussions, including a positive class atmosphere, discussion norms, grading discussions, and acceptable sources of information.
Inclusivity considerations when designing courses and syllabi, including discussions about controversial topics.
An introduction to the CET Challenging Discussions series and the principles guiding its development.
Considerations to inform your decision on when, why, and how course materials and activities should be accomplished asynchronously or synchronously.
A step-by-step guide to access the Independent Review Resources for Online Teaching in Blackboard.
A template for creating a USC syllabus which can be downloaded and edited. This template contains the most recent version of the Statement on Academic and Support Systems.
This syllabus review checklist was developed to include recommended course design practices relevant to most teaching environments at USC; it is editable so that schools may add or delete items to customize it to their needs.
This synchronous syllabus checklist was developed to include recommended course design practices relevant to most teaching environments at USC; it is editable so that schools may add or delete items to customize it to their needs.