The Flipped Classroom: A Research Perspective
An overview of the flipped classroom, its pros and cons, and a bibliography of relevant research.
An overview of the flipped classroom, its pros and cons, and a bibliography of relevant research.
“Netiquette” or “internet etiquette,” describes the recommended communication and behavior of online communication. Having a netiquette policy for your course can help minimize the chances of miscommunication and perceived disrespect.
A brief overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and its connection to USC course design and teaching.
This document is a job aid to assist TAs with supporting students who may be in the following situations. For each situation, required or recommended actions are specified.
A guide on how to use the strategic questioning process and strategic questions, with sample questions for each step of the process, for class discussions that may become challenging because they touch on personal or social change.
This document introduces some options for developing and administering online assessments.
Considerations for administering exams online as open-book or take-home exams.
A checklist of the content recommended for the first day of holding a section in a new semester. The checklist is appropriate for both classroom and online courses.
A collection of tips for promoting effective groupwork, a sample form for having students in a group evaluate the level of participation form group members, and recommendations for further resources.
Use of social media platforms in academic courses. Specifically, considering requiring students to post on social media platforms that are not secured by USC, such as through Shibboleth verification.