Grading based on student mastery research
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of grading based on student mastery on student learning.
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of grading based on student mastery on student learning.
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of formative assessment on student learning.
The following set of videos provide an overview of the theories, models, techniques, and strategies promoted by the USC Center for Excellence in Teaching.
Inclusive teaching through Universal Design for Learning (UDL), setting the course environment, classroom norms, accommodations, and authentic assessment.
Developing student skill levels through scaffolding, a growth mindset, a positive class environment, aligned assessments, effective assignment descriptions, and transparent grading.
Foundational teaching principles, including course design, learning objectives, course alignment, assessment, and lesson structure.
Strategies for planning class discussions, including a positive class atmosphere, discussion norms, grading discussions, and acceptable sources of information.
This resource describes different categories of assessments and provides common examples of each. It also discusses the various roles assessment can play in teaching and learning, including options for providing feedback to students. The terms assessment and assignment may be used interchangeably.
An explanation of how to facilitate an in-class active learning technique using a guest speaker, either live or recorded, for any size class.
This document introduces some options for developing and administering online assessments.