Open-book or take-home exams online
Considerations for administering exams online as open-book or take-home exams.
Considerations for administering exams online as open-book or take-home exams.
A collection of tips for promoting effective groupwork, a sample form for having students in a group evaluate the level of participation form group members, and recommendations for further resources.
This is a guide for both the instructor submitting student work samples, and the reviewer evaluating the instructor’s graded student work samples.
Use of social media platforms in academic courses. Specifically, considering requiring students to post on social media platforms that are not secured by USC, such as through Shibboleth verification.
A comparison chart of test question types that outlines the purpose of each question type, or why you would elect to use that type of question on a test. The chart also includes tips for writing each type of question. The set of reflection prompts can be used as a final check of each question you have designed.
A sample form for use by students when they are observing other students’ class presentations, focusing on constructive suggestions for improvement.
A general structure and options for case-based role play activities and assignments.
A description of a five-step model that instructors can use in designing in-class reflective assignments.
A video workshop on frameworks to consider when teaching and grading creativity.
A video by Karla Heidelberg describing rubrics.