Ethical design: Re-thinking the traditional brainstorm
A faculty showcase presentation by Matthew Manos. A video on designing a discussion and critique based assignment.
A faculty showcase presentation by Matthew Manos. A video on designing a discussion and critique based assignment.
A faculty showcase presentation by Christine D. Edwards. A video example of how to integrate social justice throughout a program.
A faculty showcase presentation by Victor Fazio. An example of how to design an elevator pitch assignment in courses.
A faculty showcase presentation by Wanda Cumberlander. A video resource with examples of how to integrate social identities into course activities.
A faculty showcase presentation by Rob Parke. An example of how to integrate ethical and social justice topics into discussions.
A faculty showcase presentation by Mellissa Withers. A video example of how to integrate a global approach to teaching ethics.
Faculty showcase presentation by Amelia Jones. A resource on how to create inclusive curriculum by decolonizing course and program content.
A stepwise procedure for creating a grading rubric.
A concise how-to process for developing specific and measurable course learning objectives. Intended as an introduction for new instructors or a reminder for experienced instructors. Keywords: Learning objectives, course design, assessment, bloom’s taxonomy, goals.
A collection of assignment descriptions from actual USC courses. The assignment descriptions follow best practices in terms of connecting the assignment to the course learning objective(s), providing a narrative overview of the assignment, indicating the steps required to complete the assignment, and referencing how the assignment will be graded.