Resources: STEM
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A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of activating prior knowledge on student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of an instructor demonstrating worked examples on student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of groupwork on student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of stress on student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources relevant to faculty development.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the impact of classroom environment on student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the development of higher-order thinking processes in students.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the systems used for instructor evaluation.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A selection of literature resources discussing the use of student surveys for the evaluation of teaching quality.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
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