Challenging discussions 7: Evaluation of efforts
Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of academic discussions and increasing their impact on students.
Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of academic discussions and increasing their impact on students.
Strategies for addressing students who become upset during academic discussions
Techniques for leading academic discussions, including defining terms, including all voices, and warning signs that a discussion is becoming challenging.
Strategies for planning class discussions, including a positive class atmosphere, discussion norms, grading discussions, and acceptable sources of information.
Strategies to consider when discussing topics such as race and gender in classes.
Inclusivity considerations when designing courses and syllabi, including discussions about controversial topics.
An introduction to the CET Challenging Discussions series and the principles guiding its development.
A description of a norming session, and a recommended facilitation process for holding a norming session that prepares faculty to peer review their colleagues’ syllabi, teaching, and other instructional practices.
This resource describes different categories of assessments and provides common examples of each. It also discusses the various roles assessment can play in teaching and learning, including options for providing feedback to students. The terms assessment and assignment may be used interchangeably.
An overview of the flipped classroom, its pros and cons, and a bibliography of relevant research.