Classroom environment research
A selection of literature resources discussing the impact of classroom environment on student learning.
A selection of literature resources discussing the impact of classroom environment on student learning.
A selection of literature resources discussing the development of higher-order thinking processes in students.
A selection of literature resources discussing the systems used for instructor evaluation.
A selection of literature resources discussing the use of student surveys for the evaluation of teaching quality.
A selection of literature providing overviews of recommended teaching practices.
The following set of videos provide an overview of the theories, models, techniques, and strategies promoted by the USC Center for Excellence in Teaching.
Challenging Discussions is a resource for USC faculty who would like help in managing potentially difficult dialogues in their classes. This series focuses on handling discussions that involve emotionally charged, controversial, or sometimes deeply personal topics. Modules cover all aspects of incorporating discussions in courses, including course design and discussion facilitation.
The four foundational human learning theories: behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and andragogy.
Inclusive teaching through Universal Design for Learning (UDL), setting the course environment, classroom norms, accommodations, and authentic assessment.
Developing student skill levels through scaffolding, a growth mindset, a positive class environment, aligned assessments, effective assignment descriptions, and transparent grading.