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Pedagogical approaches to contract grading in composition

Rory Lukins from the Dornsife writing program discusses a study on the implementation of contract grading in composition courses at the August 2022 Faculty Showcase on Alternative Assessment

Sources: CET, USC Faculty | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: Gen Ed courses, Humanities

Cooperative assessment

Susan Berg of Bovard College discusses an interactive approach to assessment at the August 2022 Faculty Showcase.

Sources: CET | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: Arts, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science

Techniques for Creating a Psychologically Safe Space for Learning

Psychological safety is recognized as a foundational component to encourage student openness, creativity and risk-taking. In this video Ken Perlman, USC Marshall, leads a discussion on ways to create psychological safety and enable an inclusive learning environment.

Sources: CET, USC Faculty | Formats: Videos | Audience: Disciplines:

Sources: | Formats:  | Audience: Disciplines:

Using Case Studies for Active Student Learning and Engagement

Ted Ross discusses Using Case Studies for Active Student Learning and Engagement at a Faculty Showcase.

Sources: CET | Formats: Images, PowerPoint, Videos | Audience: Faculty, TAs | Disciplines: Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Social Science, STEM

Case-based Pedagogy for Engaging in Ethics Education in Engineering

Sources: | Formats: Images, PDF, Videos | Audience: Faculty, TAs | Disciplines: STEM

Linking Theory and Policy: Writing Theoretically Informed Policy Briefs

Dan Lainer-Vos discusses Linking Theory and Policy: Writing Theoretically Informed Policy Briefs at a Faculty Showcase.

Sources: | Formats: Graphics, Images, Videos | Audience: Faculty, TAs | Disciplines: Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Social Science

The Case for Famous Faces

Jenn Floto discusses the Case for Famous Faces at a Faculty Showcase.

Sources: | Formats: Images, PDF, Videos | Audience: Faculty, TAs | Disciplines: Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM

Integration of Clinical and Science Teaching in Pharmacy Using Patient Case Reports

Ian Haworth and Rory Kim discuss Integration of Clinical and Science Teaching in Pharmacy Using Patient Case Reports at a Faculty Showcase.

Sources: | Formats: Graphics, Images, PowerPoint, Videos | Audience: Faculty, TAs | Disciplines: Clinical, Social Science, STEM

The Foundations of a Great Case

Jeremy Dann discusses the Foundations of a Great Case at a Faculty Showcase.

Sources: | Formats: Images, PDF, Videos | Audience: Faculty, TAs | Disciplines: Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Social Science

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