Resources: Teaching
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This resource provides suggestions for effective communication with students to advance your teaching goals and to help maintain work-life balance and wellbeing for both instructors and students. It lists an array of options for communicating with students and identifies campus resources available to faculty when communications require intervention.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: All disciplines
A collection of example rubrics for grading assignments or evaluating/giving feedback on student work.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff | Disciplines: All disciplines, Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
A brief introduction to mindfulness including examples of contemplative pedagogical practices that can be incorporated into courses to support student learning and wellbeing. Created in collaboration with Mindful USC.
Sources: CET, Other USC | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, TAs | Disciplines: All disciplines
A description, definition, and examples of active learning techniques in clinical settings. This document provides a planning guide for facilitating active learning in a variety of clinical or simulated settings as well as examples to get started.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty, Staff | Disciplines: Clinical, Social Science, STEM
This video, presented by CET, provides a brief introduction to AI generators with considerations and examples of how these tools can be incorporated into assignments to advance student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: All disciplines, Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
This video, presented by CET, provides ideas and examples of how faculty can use AI generators to generate ideas for the design of syllabi, assignments, and learning activities.
Sources: CET | Formats: Videos | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: All disciplines, Arts, Clinical, Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Performance, Social Science, STEM
This resource provides a brief introduction to AI generators with considerations and examples of how these tools can be incorporated into assignments to advance student learning.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: All disciplines
This resource provides ideas and examples of how faculty can use AI generators to generate ideas for the design of syllabi, assignments, and learning activities.
Sources: CET | Formats: Word document | Audience: Faculty | Disciplines: All disciplines
Dawn Joosten-Hagye discusses Use of Case Studies to Promote Team-Based and Interprofessional Collaboration among Health Affairs Students at a Faculty Showcase.
| Formats: Images, PDF, Videos | Audience: Faculty, TAs | Disciplines: Clinical, Social Science, STEM
Jeremy Dann discusses the Foundations of a Great Case at a Faculty Showcase.
| Formats: Images, PDF, Videos | Audience: Faculty, TAs | Disciplines: Gen Ed courses, Humanities, Social Science
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