Effective groupwork
A collection of tips for promoting effective groupwork, a sample form for having students in a group evaluate the level of participation form group members, and recommendations for further resources.
A collection of tips for promoting effective groupwork, a sample form for having students in a group evaluate the level of participation form group members, and recommendations for further resources.
Use of social media platforms in academic courses. Specifically, considering requiring students to post on social media platforms that are not secured by USC, such as through Shibboleth verification.
A sample form for use by students when they are observing other students’ class presentations, focusing on constructive suggestions for improvement.
A video describing Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) and how it can be applied to assignment descriptions.
A general structure and options for case-based role play activities and assignments.
A description of a five-step model that instructors can use in designing in-class reflective assignments.
A faculty showcase presentation by Patti Taylor. A demonstration of Perusall and how it can be used in online courses.
A faculty showcase presentation by Guilan Siassi. A demonstration on how to incorporate VoiceThread in your course assignments and assessments.
A faculty showcase presentation by Liana Stepanyan and Goretti Prieto Botana. A demonstration of how to incorporate Google PearDeck into your course assignments.
A faculty showcase presentation by Laura Cardinal. A demonstration of using the Zoom whiteboard for course activities.