Student engagement and high impact practices
An introduction to student engagement and the High Impact Practices (HIPs) that can be implemented in individual courses.
An introduction to student engagement and the High Impact Practices (HIPs) that can be implemented in individual courses.
A compilation of teaching techniques and strategies that can minimize unproductive stress in students and support students who are dealing with trauma.
This annotated bibliography of selected educational literature was developed to support USC faculty, administrators, and schools in the development and evaluation of excellence in teaching. The focus, particularly in the section Teaching Best Practices in the USC Definition of Excellence in Teaching Criteria, is on published research that experimentally validates the effectiveness of practices that promote student learning outcomes.
A selection of literature resources discussing efforts to define what is meant by “teaching excellence” at the university level.
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of grading based on student mastery on student learning.
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of formative assessment on student learning.
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of instructor feedback on student learning.
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of establishing learning goals with students on their learning.
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of facilitated student reflection on student learning.
A selection of literature resources discussing the impacts of active classroom participation on student learning.